The keynote speaker was Ronke Adeyemi of Brown Beauty Talk. She’s a social media guru so I made sure I was listening very carefully!


Ronke’s top tips with my views:

  • Choose your platforms wisely. You don’t have to be everywhere.
  • Plan. I can definitely see the benefits in planning but I just don’t do it, to my detriment. I need to make a better effort to plan.
  • Be social and get involved with what is trending.  Why not? It is social media after all!
  • Consistent brand name.  This helps your followers find you easily.
  • Post regularly.  Over time I have learned that this is key. Followers want consistency.
  • Mix up the content across platforms.  I like this tip. It so much more fun this way.
  • Share and retweet. Basically, don’t be selfish. Social media is not all about you!
  • Make constructive comments on posts. This is a sensible and polite way to get yourself noticed.
  • Set a follower target.  I’m not sure about this one.  Quantity matters to brands and new followers are a lovely ego boost but for me, the number of followers is not everything.
  • Post what the audience likes to see. This is important. To achieve this you need to know your audience.

I was also the Keziah Connections grand prize winner again – yay me! I won some lovely Palmer’s body care goodies. I gave the delicious coconut candle to Vicky (Beauty Breaks with Vicky) because lit candles and toddlers are not a good combination!



Here are the lovely Crabtree & Evelyn goodies that everyone received:

tashas-face-keziah-connections-crabtree-and-evelyn (1)


Thanks so much Tasha!

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